To use the Unstructured Platform Workflow Endpoint to manage workflows, do the following:

  • To get a list of available workflows, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.list_workflows function (for the Python SDK) or the GET method to call the /workflows endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.
  • To get information about a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.get_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the GET method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id> endpoint (for curl or Postman)use the GET method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id> endpoint. Learn more.
  • To create a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.create_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the POST method to call the /workflows endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.
  • To run a workflow manually, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.run_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the POST method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id>/run endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.
  • To update a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.update_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the PUT method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id> endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.
  • To delete a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.delete_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the DELETE method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id> endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.

The following examples assume that you have already met the requirements and understand the basics of working with the Unstructured Platform Workflow Endpoint.

Create a workflow

To create a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.create_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the POST method to call the /workflows endpoint (for curl or Postman).

In the CreateWorkflow object (for the Python SDK) or the request body (for curl or Postman), specify the settings for the workflow, as follows:

Replace the preceding placeholders as follows:

  • <name> (required) - A unique name for this workflow.

  • <source-connector-id> (required) - The ID of the target source connector. To get the ID, use the UnstructuredClient object’s sources.list_sources function (for the Python SDK) or the GET method to call the /sources endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.

  • <destination-connector-id> (required) - The ID of the target destination connector. To get the ID, use the UnstructuredClient object’s destinations.list_destinations function (for the Python SDK) or the GET method to call the /destinations endpoint (for curl or Postman). Learn more.

  • <TYPE> (for the Python SDK) or <type> (for curl or Postman) (required) - The workflow optimization type. Learn more. Available values include ADVANCED, BASIC, PLATINUM, and CUSTOM (for the Python SDK) or advanced, basic, platinum, and custom (for curl or Postman). If <TYPE> is set to CUSTOM (for the Python SDK), or if <type> is set to custom (for curl or Postman), you must add a worfklow_nodes array. For instructions, see Custom workflow DAG nodes.

  • <schedule-timeframe> - The repeating automatic run schedule, specified as a predefined phrase. The available predefined phrases are:

    • every 15 minutes (for curl or Postman): Every 15 minutes (cron expression: */15 * * * *).
    • every hour: At the first minute of every hour (cron expression: 0 * * * *).
    • every 2 hours: At the first minute of every second hour (cron expression: 0 */2 * * *).
    • every 4 hours: At the first minute of every fourth hour (cron expression: 0 */4 * * *).
    • every 6 hours: At the first minute of every sixth hour (cron expression: 0 */6 * * *).
    • every 8 hours: At the first minute of every eighth hour (cron expression: 0 */8 * * *).
    • every 10 hours: At the first minute of every tenth hour (cron expression: 0 */10 * * *).
    • every 12 hours: At the first minute of every twelfth hour (cron expression: 0 */12 * * *).
    • daily: At the first minute of every day (cron expression: 0 0 * * *).
    • weekly: At the first minute of every Sunday (cron expression: 0 0 * * 0).
    • monthly: At the first minute of the first day of every month (cron expression: 0 0 1 * *).

    If schedule is not specified, the workflow does not automatically run on a repeating schedule.

Update a workflow

To update information about a workflow, use the UnstructuredClient object’s workflows.update_workflow function (for the Python SDK) or the PUT method to call the /workflows/<workflow-id> endpoint (for curl or Postman), replacing <workflow-id> with the workflow’s unique ID. To get this ID, see List workflows.

In the request body, specify the settings for the workflow. For the specific settings to include, see Create a workflow.

Custom workflow DAG nodes

If WorkflowType is set to CUSTOM (for the Python SDK), or if workflow_type is set to custom (for curl or Postman), you must also specify the settings for the workflow’s directed acyclic graph (DAG) nodes. These nodes’ settings are specified in the workflow_nodes array.

  • A Source node is automatically created when you specify the source_id value outside of the
    workflow_nodes array.
  • A Destination node is automatically created when you specify the destination_id value outside of the workflow_nodes array.
  • You can specify Partitioner, Chunker, Enrichment, and Embedder nodes.
  • The order of the nodes in the workflow_nodes array will be the same order that these nodes appear in the DAG, with the first node in the array added directly after the Source node. The Destination node follows the last node in the array.
  • Be sure to specify nodes in the allowed order. The following DAG placements are all allowed:

Partitioner node

A Partitioner node has a type of partition and a subtype of unstructured_api. The strategy setting determines the partition strategy to use.

Fast strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "partition" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PARTITION.
  • true and false are True and False.
"name": "Partitioner",
"type": "partition",
"subtype": "unstructured_api",
"settings": {
    "strategy": "fast",
    "include_page_breaks": <true|false>,
    "pdf_infer_table_structure": <true|false>,
    "exclude_elements": [
    "xml_keep_tags": <true|false>,
    "encoding": "<encoding>",
    "ocr_languages": [
    "extract_image_block_types": [
    "infer_table_structure": <true|false>

High Res strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "partition" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PARTITION.
  • true and false are True and False.
"name": "Partitioner",
"type": "partition",
"subtype": "unstructured_api",
"settings": {
    "strategy": "hi_res",
    "include_page_breaks": <true|false>,
    "pdf_infer_table_structure": <true|false>,
    "exclude_elements": [
    "xml_keep_tags": <true|false>,
    "encoding": "<encoding>",
    "ocr_languages": [
    "extract_image_block_types": [
    "infer_table_structure": <true|false>

VLM strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "partition" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PARTITION.
  • true and false are True and False.
  • null is None.
"name": "Partitioner",
"type": "partition",
"subtype": "vlm",
"settings": {
    "provider": "<provider>",
    "provider_api_key": null,
    "model": "<model>",
    "output_format": "text/html",
    "user_prompt": null,
    "format_html": true,
    "unique_element_ids": <true|false>

Allowed values for provider and model include:

  • "provider": "anthropic"

    • "model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022"
  • "provider": "anthropic""openai"

    • "model": "gpt-4o"
  • "provider": "bedrock"

    • "model": "us.anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022-v2:0"
    • "model": "us.anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0"
    • "model": "us.anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"
    • "model": "us.anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
    • "model": ""
    • "model": ""
    • "model": "us.meta.llama3-2-90b-instruct-v1:0"
    • "model": "us.meta.llama3-2-11b-instruct-v1:0"

Chunker node

Chunk by Character strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "chunk" is type=WorkflowNodeType.CHUNK.
  • true and false are True and False.
  • null is None.
"name": "Chunker",
"type": "chunk",
"subtype": "chunk_by_character",
"settings": {
    "unstructured_api_url": null,
    "unstructured_api_key": null,
    "include_orig_elements": <true|false>,
    "new_after_n_chars": <new-after-n-chars>,
    "max_characters": <max-characters>,
    "overlap": <overlap>,
    "overlap_all": <true|false>,
    "contextual_chunking_strategy": "v1"

Chunk by Title strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "chunk" is type=WorkflowNodeType.CHUNK.
  • true and false are True and False.
  • null is None.
"name": "Chunker",
"type": "chunk",
"subtype": "chunk_by_title",
"settings": {
    "unstructured_api_url": null,
    "unstructured_api_key": null,
    "multipage_sections": <true|false>,
    "combine_text_under_n_chars": <combine-text-under-n-chars>,
    "include_orig_elements": <true|false>,
    "new_after_n_chars": <new-after-n-chars>,
    "max_characters": <max-characters>,
    "overlap": <overlap>,
    "overlap_all": <true|false>,
    "contextual_chunking_strategy": "v1"

Chunk by Page strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "chunk" is type=WorkflowNodeType.CHUNK.
  • true and false are True and False.
  • null is None.
"name": "Chunker",
"type": "chunk",
"subtype": "chunk_by_page",
"settings": {
    "unstructured_api_url": null,
    "unstructured_api_key": null,
    "include_orig_elements": <true|false>,
    "new_after_n_chars": <new-after-n-chars>,
    "max_characters": <max-characters>,
    "overlap": <overlap>,
    "overlap_all": <true|false>,
    "contextual_chunking_strategy": "v1"

Chunk by Similarity strategy

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "chunk" is type=WorkflowNodeType.CHUNK.
  • true and false are True and False.
  • null is None.
"name": "Chunker",
"type": "chunk",
"subtype": "chunk_by_similarity",
"settings": {
    "unstructured_api_url": null,
    "unstructured_api_key": null,
    "include_orig_elements": <true|false>,
    "new_after_n_chars": <true|false>,
    "max_characters": <max-characters>,
    "overlap": <overlap>,
    "overlap_all": <true|false>,
    "contextual_chunking_strategy": "v1",
    "similarity_threshold": <similarity-threshold>

Enrichment node

Image Description task

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "prompter" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PROMPTER.
"name": "Enrichment",
"type": "prompter",
"subtype": "<subtype>",
"settings": {}

Allowed values for <subtype> include:

  • openai_image_description
  • anthropic_image_description
  • bedrock_image_description

Table Description task

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "prompter" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PROMPTER.
"name": "Enrichment",
"type": "prompter",
"subtype": "<subtype>",
"settings": {}

Allowed values for <subtype> include:

  • openai_table_description
  • anthropic_table_description
  • bedrock_table_description

Table to HTML task

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "prompter" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PROMPTER.
"name": "Enrichment",
"type": "prompter",
"subtype": "openai_table2html",
"settings": {}

Named Entity Recognition (NER) task

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "prompter" is type=WorkflowNodeType.PROMPTER.
"name": "Enrichment",
"type": "prompter",
"subtype": "openai_ner",
"settings": {
    "prompt_interface_overrides": {
        "prompt": {
            "user": "<user-prompt-override>"

Embedder node

The following example is for curl and Postman. For the Python SDK:

  • The name, type, subtype, and settings parameters must be followed by an equals character (=) instead of a colon character (:).
  • "type": "embed" is type=WorkflowNodeType.EMBED.
"name": "Embedder",
"type": "embed",
"subtype": "<subtype>",
"settings": {
    "model_name": "<model-name>"

Allowed values for subtype and model_name include:

  • "subtype": "azure_openai"

    • "model_name": "text-embedding-3-small"
    • "model_name": "text-embedding-3-large"
    • "model_name": "text-embedding-ada-002"
  • "subtype": "bedrock"

    • "model_name": "amazon.titan-embed-text-v2:0"
    • "model_name": "amazon.titan-embed-text-v1"
    • "model_name": "amazon.titan-embed-image-v1"
    • "model_name": "cohere.embed-english-v3"
    • "model_name": "cohere.embed-multilingual-v3"
  • "subtype": "togetherai"

    • "model_name": "togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-2k-retrieval"
    • "model_name": "togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-8k-retrieval"
    • "model_name": "togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-32k-retrieval"