
You want to use the fastest, highest-precision, yet most cost-effective partitioning strategy overall, but you are not sure which one to specify for your particular files.


The --strategy command option (CLI) or strategy parameter (Python/JavaScript/TypeScript) specifies the partitioning strategy to use.

Use the following decision-maker to help you determine what to set --strategy or strategy to.


How many of the files to be processed are image files, or PDF files with embedded images or tables in them?

  • If All, you can increase precision for processing images and tables by specifying hi_res for --strategy or strategy. For additional benefits, skip ahead to Step 2.
  • If Some, you can increase precision for processing images and tables by specifying auto for --strategy or strategy. This will leave the decision up to Unstructured on a file-by-file basis about the best partitioning strategy to use. You have completed this decision-maker. See also Auto partitioning strategy logic.
  • If None, you can increase performance and decrease cost by specifying fast for --strategy or strategy. You have completed this decision-maker.
For OCR, you can also set --strategy or strategy to ocr_only. Unstructured will use the Tesseract OCR agent as applicable. You cannot specify any other OCR agent to be used instead.

For object detection, do you know which particular high-resolution object detection model you want to use?

  • If No, then specify auto for --strategy or strategy. This will decrease performance compared to answering Yes. You have completed this decision-maker. See also Auto partitioning strategy logic.
  • If Yes, then set --hi-res-model-name (CLI), hi_res_model_name (Python), or hiResModelName(JavaScript/TypeScript) to the available model’s name. Learn about the available models.

Code example

See Changing partition strategy for a PDF.

Auto partitioning strategy logic

Setting --strategy or strategy to auto leaves the decision up to Unstructured on a page-by-page basis about which partitioning strategy to use.

If --strategy or strategy is not specified, the auto strategy is used by default.