Send processed data from Unstructured to Astra DB.

The requirements are as follows.

To create or change an Astra DB destination connector, see the following examples.

Replace the preceding placeholders as follows:

  • <name> (required) - A unique name for this connector.
  • <token> (required) - The application token for the database.
  • <api-endpoint> (required) - The database’s associated API endpoint.
  • <collection-name> (required) - The name of the collection in the namespace.
  • <keyspace> - The name of the keyspace in the collection. The default is default_keyspace if not otherwise specified.
  • <batch-size> - The maximum number of records to send per batch. The default is 20 if not otherwise specified.

To change a connector, replace <connector-id> with the source connector’s unique ID. To get this ID, see List source connectors.