Send processed data from Unstructured to Pinecone.

The requirements are as follows.

  • A Pinecone account. Get an account.

  • A Pinecone API key. Get an API key.

  • A Pinecone serverless index. Create a serverless index.

    Unstructured recommends that all records in the target index have a field named record_id with a string data type. Unstructured can use this field to do intelligent document overwrites. Without this field, duplicate documents might be written to the index or, in some cases, the operation could fail altogether.

To create or change a Pinecone destination connector, see the following examples.

# ...
from unstructured_client.models.shared import <Create|Update>DestinationConnector
# ...
destination_connector = <Create|Update>DestinationConnector(
    name="<name>", # Create only.
    type="pinecone", # Create only.
        "index_name" "<index-name>", 
        "api_key": "<api-key>",
        "batch_size" <batch-size>
# ...

Replace the preceding placeholders as follows:

  • <name> (required) - A unique name for this connector.
  • <index-name> (required) - The name of the index in the Pinecone database.
  • <api-key> (required) - The Pinecone API key.
  • <batch-size> - The maximum number of records to transmit in a single batch. The default is 50 unless otherwise specified.

To change a connector, replace <connector-id> with the destination connector’s unique ID. To get this ID, see List destination connectors.