Enriching adds enhancments to the processed data that Unstructured produces. These enrichments include:
- Providing a summarized description of the contents of a detected image. Learn more.
- Providing a summarized description of the contents of a detected table. Learn more.
- Providing a representation of a detected table in HTML markup format. Learn more.
- Providing a list of recognized entities and their types, through a process known as named entity recognition (NER). Learn more.
To add an enrichment, in the Task drop-down list of an Enrichment node in a workflow, select one of the following enrichment types:
You can change enrichment settings only through Custom workflow settings.
Enrichments work only when the Partitioner node in a workflow is also set to use the High Res partitioning strategy. Learn more.
- Image Description to provide a summarized description of the contents of each detected image. Learn more.
- Table Description to provide a summarized description of the contents of each detected table. Learn more.
- Table to HTML to provide a representation of each detected table in HTML markup format. Learn more.
- Named Entity Recognition (NER) to provide a list of recognized entities and their types. Learn more.
To add multiple enrichments, create an additional Enrichment node for each enrichment type that you want to add.
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