Send processed data from Unstructured to Pinecone.

The following video shows how to fulfill the minimum set of Pinecone prerequisites:

Here are some more details about the prerequisites:

The Pinecone prerequisites:

To create the destination connector:

  1. On the sidebar, click Connectors.
  2. Click Destinations.
  3. Click Add new.
  4. Give the connector some unique Name.
  5. In the Provider area, click Pinecone.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to fill in the fields as described later on this page.
  8. Click Save and Test.

Fill in the following fields:

  • Name (required): A unique name for this connector.
  • Index Name (required): The name of the index in the Pinecone database.
  • Environment (required): The name of the Pinecone environment for the index instance.
  • Batch Size (required): The number of records to use in a single batch.
  • API Key (required): The Pinecone API key.