Ingest your files into Unstructured from Google Drive.

The requirements are as follows.

  • A Google Cloud account.

  • The Google Drive API enabled in the account. Learn how.

  • Within the account, a Google Cloud service account and its related credentials.json key file or its contents in JSON format. Create a service account. Create credentials for a service account.

    To ensure maximum compatibility across Unstructured service offerings, you should give the service account key information to Unstructured as a single-line string that contains the contents of the downloaded service account key file (and not the service account key file itself). To print this single-line string without line breaks, suitable for copying, you can run one of the following commands from your Terminal or Command Prompt. In this command, replace <path-to-downloaded-key-file> with the path to the credentials.json key file that you downloaded by following the preceding instructions.

    • For macOS or Linux:

      tr -d '\n' < <path-to-downloaded-key-file>
    • For Windows:

      (Get-Content -Path "<path-to-downloaded-key-file>" -Raw).Replace("`r`n", "").Replace("`n", "")
  • A Google Drive folder.

  • Give the service account access to the folder. To do this, share the folder with the service account’s email address. Learn how. Learn more.

  • Get the folder’s ID. This is a part of the URL for your Google Drive folder represented in the following URL as {folder_id}:{folder-id}.

To create a Google Drive source connector, see the following examples.

import os

from unstructured_client import UnstructuredClient
from unstructured_client.models.operations import CreateSourceRequest
from unstructured_client.models.shared import (

with UnstructuredClient(api_key_auth=os.getenv("UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY")) as client:
    response = client.sources.create_source(


Replace the preceding placeholders as follows:

  • <name> (required) - A unique name for this connector.
  • <drive-id> - The ID for the target Google Drive folder.
  • <service-account-key> - The contents of the credentials.json key file as a single-line string.
  • For extensions, set one or more <extension> values (such as .pdf or .docx) to process files with only those extensions. The default is to include all extensions.
  • Set recursive to true to recursively process data from subfolders within the target folder. The default is false if not otherwise specified.