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Connect Couchbase Database to your preprocessing pipeline, and use the Unstructured Ingest CLI or the Unstructured Ingest Python library to batch process all your documents and store structured outputs locally on your filesystem.

The requirements are as follows.

For Couchbase Capella, you will need:

For a local Couchbase server, you will need:

  • Installation of a local Couchbase server. Learn how.
  • Connection details to the local Couchbase server. Learn how.

To learn more about how to set up a Couchbase cluster and play with data, refer to this tutorial.

The Couchbase DB connector dependencies:

CLI, Python
pip install "unstructured-ingest[couchbase]"

You might also need to install additional dependencies, depending on your needs. Learn more.

These environment variables are required for the Couchbase Connector:

  • CB_CONN_STR - The Connection String for the Couchbase server, represented by --connection-string (CLI) or connection_string (Python).
  • CB_USERNAME - The username for the Couchbase server, represented by --username (CLI) or username (Python).
  • CB_PASSWORD - The password for the Couchbase server, represented by --password (CLI) or password (Python).
  • CB_BUCKET - The name of the bucket in the Couchbase server, represented by --bucket (CLI) or bucket (Python).
  • CB_SCOPE - The name of the scope in the bucket, represented by --scope (CLI) or scope (Python).
  • CB_COLLECTION - The name of the collection in the scope, represented by --collection (CLI) or collection (Python).

Additional available settings include:

  • --collection-id (CLI) or collection_id in CouchbaseDownloaderConfig (Python) - Optional for the source connector. The
    unique key of the ID field in the collection. The default is id if not otherwise specified. Learn more.

These environment variables:

  • UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY - Your Unstructured API key value.
  • UNSTRUCTURED_API_URL - Your Unstructured API URL.

Now call the Unstructured CLI or Python. The destination connector can be any of the ones supported. This example uses the local destination connector: